It doesn’t gets any better than this
You may ask, what is that please?
I’ll tell you in a bit, You just might need a seat
Here I go, When you’ve been on a journey
Where you thought it will be sweet like honey
That in no time all you’ll be seeing is money
Knowing within you that you’re capable

But reality check classes you under the disabled
While on the journey, your supposed honey pot cracks
Leaving you with leaks and losses to pack
This wasn’t how they said it will be
Had I known it was gonna take this long
I just might have had a rethink of my journey’s path
Now I’m at the middle where going back is not an option
But the odds seem to be against me, so much disruption

Whoever said it pays to wait, must have had a taste of my pain
For as it is, I am so drenched in the rain
It’s flooding up to my neck, just my head above the waters
Trying to swim ashore with no help in sight
You ask yourself the rhetoric, isn’t He seeing my plight?
When you can see some of your peers ashore
And you know you ought to get there for sure
But strength and courage is dwindling, foes are belittling
Your breath is gasping, mind rumbling, soul battling

For the will not to give up but push a little bit further
Knock a little bit harder, ask a bit more intentional
Launch out with more fervour that you’ll surely see favour
And there comes a helping hand, giving you the extra sauce
To spice up your journey, loyal friends who stand by you
Who stand with you till you cross the finish line
It’s all making sense now for your anticipated shine
Deep in you, you know of the truth it wasn’t your effort
That got you to where you are, truly man’s not hot

There was a supernatural force, grace unmerited
Making you now have joy unlimited
Canon ticking off blast in tears of joy
It’s still like a dream to you, but it’s your time to enjoy
You finally see yourself qualified amongst the unqualified
Wordless Praise, Speechless Worship and Motionless Dance
Are the state you find yourself in appreciation of God’s Love
Not because you can’t put your appreciation to words on His table
But within you the overwhelming joy is inexplicable


“My heartfelt joy having successfully completed the professional exam to class me as a Chartered Accountant”

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