Man! Made against nature’s will
Yet you lived like one whose wealthy father left no will
Man! God on earth, yet chose to become a servant to it
With all your dominion mandate, you chose to eat from broken plate
Given the sole responsibility to work and care for your kingdom
You’d rather lay back and allow someone else determine your freedom

Man! What part of ‘do not’, ‘you must not’ did you not understand
That all it took was from hand to mouth and you sunk like quicksand
When will you be a man?
And take immediate responsibility for your action
Rather than make excuses even when it’s crystal clear that it was done with your permission
With the all-knowing God as your friend
You chose to run and hide in your nakedness
When you should have fallen at His feet and confess your weakness

You’d rather push someone else before the gallows, how thoughtful of you man!
Being quick to share the cake of blame
When you should hide your face in shame
It was just two simple questions – ‘who told you that you’re naked?’
‘Have you eaten from the tree which I commanded you not to eat from?’
Out of your pride and disposition forgetting that you had switched position
Making ‘Her’ the head while you became the neck – what the heck man?

He said “the woman you put here with me, gave me some fruit from the tree”
Permit me to say: “will you keep quiet? Had I been there, – just kidding
The woman you saw at first sight and knew she was your mirror
The woman built to perfection that in your eyes had no error
The woman you were bold to call your bone and flesh
Now the chips are down, you left her all alone – well-done sir!

When will you be a man? Man!
Good to know that you knew it was from the forbidden tree
For as long as choice existed, then you had the option not to eat and be free
And the adversary had to get you through her
Cos if the tables were to have turned, what a shocker it will be
When she leaves you hanging and not eat it with you
Waiting impatiently to report your misdeeds, hashtag the strength of a woman

But above all and amidst the fall of man, Jesus took the greater fall
On your behalf, He that knew no sin was made sin
Stripped, beaten and hung a tree that you would be set free
From the long-lasting error that would have forever brought you, terror
With unconditional and undeserving love, He went through it all
And indeed He arose mightily that you would stand tall
Bringing the devil below your feet- what a great defeat?
Now you are free and bold to be called the son of God
For that reason, you have become a Man!





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