In the evening’s chill, rebooting my thoughts,
I took a solitary walk and found a sight that caught.
A dame, a vision, stirring my heart’s frame,
Summoning the courage, I approached to know her name
Unsure of her response, yet determined to stay,
I vowed to not leave with a simple nay.

I yearned to know her true name, not a nickname
Assuring her, “In this, I’m for real and I play no game.”
For a lady like you has got aliases to ward-off wooers
But as for me, my one and only goal is to woo her
Adorned in coral beads, with tulips in her floral,
Her stunning legs bespoke, beneath her Balmoral.

She turned, her face stern, like a soldier in the army,
I smiled, introduced myself, and she replied, ‘Dami.’
She is no angel, but I assure you she’s a remarkable damsel
Her eyes held a universe, her spirit, a dance so gentle
Our conversation flowed as the tide, so natural
So much like it was “business as usual”
Full of wits and life, with radiating laughter and smile
Felt we had known each other for a very long while

Her aspirations revealed a woman of ambition,
What more could one yearn for in a companion?
Ready to face the storm, to claim what’s rightfully hers,
She knows her worth, her desires and what she prefers.
Together, we aimed for the stars, reaching beyond the sky,
We know no limits, no boundaries, only the will to fly.
Hand in hand, we’d not only rule in majesty,
But leave behind an unforgettable dynasty.


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