Kehinde Olarinde – Superwoman

This is me bleeding in my heart as I force myself to write this eulogy about my sister who came through another mother but there is no better description other than calling her my dearest sister. She was one rare gem unequaled and unparalleled. Kenny! It’s been tough and rough but diamonds ain’t close to the stuff you were made of. Kenny, Kufre called me 7:25 pm 27th December 2019 and told me what I didn’t want to hear and I used a swear word to shut him up that he should retract that news he came bearing. Ah! Life Oh Life! You’ve done this one but unfortunately for you, Kenny had the last and better laugh as she is being welcomed home as a valiant soldier – the Deborah and Ruth Combo personified.

What a journey, my sister. I don’t want to dwell on the years of knowing but I look back and take a review and I close my mouth and swallow spit. Thank you, God, for still keeping amongst us the most real beings that are dead to self and all for others giving their blood till the very end. Kenny, a chapter of endless words do you hold in my life and I do hope I’ll have the courage and strength to pen them all down. Ah! Kenny se eeyan! A strong woman of God, against all odds you held on to your faith in Christ that person wey think say e get problem when dem hear your story, na to cover face waka far dey reason say dem no get problem. But in all of these, jeez, were you strong and enduring even me as a man, I know my tipping point but you had none.

Reading through our chats gives me Goosebumps and I have some laugh when everyone kept saying how humble and nice you were and always smiling. In those chats were the other side of you which you kept to a select few; blunt about the truth, never accepting injustice and maltreatment of others, great at dropping funny punch lines, never holding back a scold for the deserving. As you went through the clouds to meet with the Father, I also stored up our chats in the cloud as my most cherished souvenir from you to me.

I am now getting a bit of clarity on why God kept you this long for us to still have moments to hold on to and cherish forever. For I can remember vividly, my driving you down to UCH Ibadan twice and after seeing the consultant you came out with a smile on your face. Then you said Enoh, it is well and you gave me the test results and explained what the doctor had said. “I don’t know how you can stand nor even have the strength to walk about unaided; that woman over there has a similar result and has been in a wheelchair for over 3 months”, said the doctor. The doctor didn’t even know you drove yourself to the pickup point where I took over the driving from and we did it for 2 days back-to-back. This was between the 16th and 17th of October 2018, babe you pulled through 15 months extra with us to cherish… hmm… the miracles that we chose to overlook. And those two days in Ibadan didn’t slide by without us having hot amala/pounded yam at Thuraya Bukka before hitting the road back to Lagos – our last supper.

Kenny you were there when life’s evil whirlwind blew my direction to destabilize me and right in the middle of that storm were you crying unto to the Father on my behalf till we got a rest in our spirits of an answered prayer. Just 2 days ago, I expanded your display picture on your WhatsApp profile and kept praying but the more I prayed, the more tears came dripping my eyes me feeling what you were going through in the distance. I was to come to the hospital but events made me unable to and I was going to feel guilty after getting to hear the news but then again I took it with joy that the last time we ever saw, was you on both legs walking to the car. With this memory, I am happy and encouraged not to be utterly embittered at your departure for I know it’s the better and good place is where you are this very moment. Then, I remembered Titi a valiant prayer partner and sister who stood by through it all too and I picked up my phone to call her last night and ended up being the encourager as she was drenched in uncontrollable wails. I didn’t know how to start the conversation with Taiwo, your twin sister who has been there till there very end giving her all just to see you come out of this battle. Not to mention your octogenarian mother who sat bedside never wanting to leave your side for a second. Of a truth, you did come out the victor but God chose for you to tell us ‘Hello from the other side’ and I am fine with that because Esu pofo!

Through it all, you gave others Hope. Strong Superwoman

This is me raising a glass and celebrating you for all that you were to me and to the world – a superstar who needed no spotlight to shine. Your radiance was follow-come, it was in you like Peak Milk. No regrets whatsoever knowing you, for in adversity you stood tall and this encouraged me beyond any well-baked sermon of motivation. Your life is noteworthy of a certified model for global emulation and ought to be taught to many who feel life’s loaded backpack should drill them down in misery. You taught me a lot through your well-lived life and I can boast of you any day as a ‘Superwoman’ who came, who saw and who conquered through it all.

Woman of the Year 2017 – Zero Gravity at the Capstone Church

Kehinde Olarinde, my dear sister, I will miss you dearly

And it just hit me, that there were enough signs that affirmed your being with the Father which I didn’t notice till now. Almost the entire day of the 26th of December, I played a song which the Spirit pressed on my heart and I didn’t even have it on my phone, so I downloaded it. Listening to it now that you’re gone and the dots connected… that it was a farewell from You to Me. “As the channels of Your Spirit opened up cos You were with the Father already”… Open Up by Dunsin Oyekan. Taking in each wordings of the song splits me up, it was all about You, Kenny! Goodbye, Dearest Sis.

Translations: “Ah! Kenny se eeyan” – Ah! Kenny was a great individual.

“person wey think say e get problem when dem hear your story, na to cover face waka far dey reason say dem no get problem” – Anyone who thinks he/she has got problems in life needs to listen to Kenny’s story if they won’t cover their faces and walk away thanking God that they have no problems.

Esu pofo! – The Devil failed woefully

49 Replies to “Tribute to Kehinde Olutosin Olarinde”

  1. I remebered 2years ago in 2018 when I lost my brother, and then i was at church during one of the Sunday services at the capstone church. After service, i observed she was staring at me but didnt know why. All of a sudden it dawned on me she wanted to console me, that’s when i gave a bold smile and then she walked up to me and said, “Hi Peezay I’m so sorry for your loss, is it a good time for we both to sit and talk about it?” At first I was gonna say no, but then there was something about that moment and I just couldn’t say no then i replied, “Yeah, sure we can talk”
    The encouragement she gave to me on that day i held on to it. She kept in touch with me all through the remaining months in 2018.

    When I heard about her death late last year in December 2019, I was devastated. Didn’t know how to ask further questions on what really happened.

    If there’s one thing i’ve learnt after my mom and my brother died right in my arms was that, “The good die Young”

    I strongly believe you’re in the bosom of the Almighty God. May God give your twin and your family also, the fortitude to bear this HUGE loss.

  2. Miss kenny has been a blessing to everyone and the youth of the church. May her soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

  3. O death where is thy sting?
    Sis. Kenny was a very lovable person, she was an apt example of a godly leader in the Zero Gravity youth expression. Infact, my first contact with her was when she offered to help me with lunch because I had to stay back at church after a Sunday service so I could attend a youth program with the excos as at then, because my house was quite a distance from the church.
    That singular act of kindness as “little” as it was, made me so committed to the family after that day.
    Indeed, I’m so happy to celebrate her for such an impactful life spent.
    The angels rejoice over her indeed.
    Rest on Sis. Kenny!!!

  4. I and sister k met in a very funny way. She was going for one of her treatment sessions when I had to join in prayers. Afterwards our connection was so great, we talked and laughed and prayed together. I have so much to say but I will say Thank you sis k for being so strong, thank you for being part of my process and thank you for leaving a legacy behind. You were so hopeful about this new🙂. You had your dress and hair ready, you knew God will see you through and indeed he did cause you are with him and that is the best place anyone can be. I love you so much sis K and you will forever be in my heart ❤️

  5. Sis Kenny,
    Thank you for being a great mentor and big sister to me. Thank you for always watching out for me. Thank you for putting me through during my days as ZeroGravity Secretary General. You told me ‘Naomi you are my protege’ and you did what a mentor should do, you guided me and encouraged me even on days i felt i didnt want to be part of it anymore.
    You were a strong and lovely person Sis K. You showed what it means to have great faith and a large heart because despite all that was happening, you kept tabs on everyone.
    I will miss you God’s General, Superwoman and a Woman of Faith. You remain forever in my heart.
    Till we meet in the presence of our Father.

  6. I will not forget the time when the teenager’s class had decided we were going to see the less privileged. We didn’t have enough vehicles for transportation. But, aunty Kenny not only allowed us to enlist her car, she also came with us for the visit. She was an active participant throughout her visit. Spreading her love and joy to those who had not received enough. Her legacy will not go unheard, in Jesus’ Name.

  7. I don’t know where to begin…words cannot describe how much your life influenced me.

    I remember when we visited and prayed with you, I had a word from God for you it was so strong that i could not bear keeping it to myself. Fast forward to a week before your demise, I remembered God of his word concerning you, I never really understood the meaning until you left us.

    Sis Kenny! this world does not deserve you. You are in a better place now and I am consoled by this. You lived a good life sister Kenny, you gave us hope and faith in God by the life you led, no one noticed your pains and struggles cos you fought hard in love.

    I will not say goodbye cos I know you’re only now where God wants you to be.

  8. Sister Kenny amazing sister. When I heard the news of ur death I was just in a moment of what just happened or did I logged in to future account or what? It isn’t true and my heart wept sore.
    She gave me alot of clothes I mean alot alot of it. And she will always say Eunice there are people here let me give you when there are less people, and i will smile and say ma’am it’s fine. She will say okay come get them in the boot. She has a pure heart and always have a word for every moment.
    I know ur with the Lord, cos ur convictions about him are strong. Thank you ma’am and I will miss you greatly.

  9. You touched so many lives for the good. I’m grateful I had the chance to know you, you were always smiling and kept hope alive. At times I wonder where you got that strength from….keep resting in the blossom of the Lord aunty Kenny .

  10. It’s the truth that we the Children of God never die, we merely change our garment to reign with our father in eternity. Bearing in mind that this earth was never our home Sis Kenny, we will miss you till we meet again at the bossom of the Father. Surely in a better place with no more sorrows or worries nor pain. The victory is that you stood in Christ all through. Your stewardship to Christ is a legacy worthy of emulation.
    A Saint of Christ I Stan.

  11. I taught Kenny and her sister at the Tyrannus school. We had great time. She has such a meek, gentle soul. Quiet but deep sweet heart. Always punctual, always factual, such a superindividual. Kenny is an example of believers who love God for who He is not just for what He has. Her devotion was born from deep conviction and not fringe benefit. She died believing just like the Heros of faith profiled in the bible. Surely, Kenny left at the time this world was no longer worthy of her. Truly this is heaven’s gain and earth’s faith catalyst. Live on at God’s bossom Kenny. We are joining in the heavens “partee” dedicated to our dear Kenny Olarinde!

  12. Tribute to Kenny

    It was Taiwo I first met, then when I saw u both alas identical twins. Though physically identical, yet very unique, quiet, reserved and humble. I remember most Sundays at d broad place when we worshipped at the car park, u sat around my son and I. During connect meeting you were never behind. In fact wen I saw u with big 4 nothing, I tot ‘bigz girlz’ would come to play @zero gravity but you were championing the mandate of our master.

    The Lord loves you more dear sis, ejire sun re o.

  13. You always called me Ajayi d traveler in the office
    I will surely miss your smile whenever you say those words to me.
    Rest well.

  14. Miss Kenny! Miss Kenny! Miss Kenny! hmmmm words indeed fail me, I still cant comprehend or accept this news. But then again who are will to question God. A great colleague you were to me, thank you for all the drop off and pick off that I cannot begin to count. You are such a sweet soul, i miss our chats during break or whenever we get to talk. You were so full of life and always ready to participate in everything. You sure fought till the last. You are definitely resting in the bosom of the lord. Forever in my hearts….. LOVE YOU.

  15. Omokehinde mi, My ever bubbling friend from childhood.. We met in primary 4,precisely we were in the same class till we left in pry 6,Adisa Bashua Pry sch, you and your twin were our set twins , your calm nature remained in my memory, when we reconnected via Facebook to form our 89Set Primary School Alumni, 2yrs ago, we were so excited to reconnect, During Euphoria 2018 Reunion marking our 30th years of leaving Primary school in December, 2018,you came with your dancing shoes, you were so full of life, bubbling, you danced and enjoyed every bit of the Reunion party,you are ever ready to support the platform, Omokehinde, we chatted last on the 18th of Dec. 2019.. You apologized for your inactiveness lately, ahhhh Kenny, you didn’t tell you were saying goodbye, you told me you were fine now, ahaaaa Omokehinde, you were indeed a “Superwoman” The platform will miss you greatly,my heart is yet to recover from the fact that I won’t hear from you again, I find it difficult to delete our last chat.. I pray the good Lord will console us, grant you eternal rest.. Goodnight my friend, so long Omokehinde mi.. We will hold forth till resurrection day.. Sun re oooo Ejire mi.
    (Kemisola Iyoha- Akintokun President 89 Set Adisa Bashua Pry Sch. Alumni)

  16. All your friends from Accounting Class of 2004 OAU , Ile Ife will surely miss you. Sleep well our friend.

    Sola AKB

  17. Kenny dudu as we fondly call you. The news of your death broke my heart… my friend from way back. Ejire, winni winni loju, orogun, Eji woro loju iya ire. You are just an embodiment of love, no dull moment with Kenny. You never gave up on anything you believe in. You loved with everything and very dependable. But I believe God sees all and knows all. When Taiwo called i cried my eyes out and i am still crying. You have gone through alot but in the midst of all you kept a happy face. I remembered sending our picture from OAU to you on Dec 1 and you responded cheerfully without me noticing anything. I am just sad I wasn’t aware of all that happened afterwards so i could be there for you. But in all , I am happy you knew Jesus Christ. REST ON IN THE BOSSOM OF THE ALMIGHTY God my super woman.

  18. It is well with my soul was a song composed by a man going through a turmoil and trauma of loosing his entire family at once. It take grace and faith to be able to stand and declare such faith. We were classmates in Primary school and a lasting memory I associate with the Olarinde twins was at a tutorial organized by a fine lady tutor whom they knew( I assumed she was their elder sis) towards writing G2. The tutor asked that I come to the board to write a word she called out, I totally forgot how to spell the word due tension and I became very embarrassed and there after I avoided going near them in school because I thought they would make jest of me. I thank God for your well spent life. You have left your magnanimous foot prints in the sands of time. You have contributed your quota, you are a fore-runner to your peers. Adieu Kenny… till we meet again in the after life.

  19. Kenny Olarinde, my dear friend. Met you in 2006 through your sister Taiwo and we’ve been friends ever since. Strong woman! Really Strong!! At times, even in your travails you seemed so together, unbelievably so together! I’m glad I met you in my lifetime as you’ve thought me a lesson or two. Sleep well in the Lord till we meet again.

  20. Kehinde, you will truly be missed. You and your twin were rays of sunshine while at MGHS. Your smiles and laughter would light up any room. While we are heart broken, we take solace in the fact that “absent from the body but present with the Lord”. Rest well my dear friend, rest well.

  21. Kenny, you came, you fought and you conquered . Rest on kenny. May the lord give your mum and siblings the fortitude to bear the loss. Rest in peace dear.

  22. Now I introduce and commend to you my dear and beloved friend and sister in faith KEHINDE OLARINDE, a deaconess (a special servant and shinning minister) of CHRIST JESUS and of the church. I heartily endorse both her and her work. She’s a key representative of CHRIST and the church. She has been a great leader and champion for many, a good friend to me and has helped me very much, and she has also been and helped many others too.

    KEHINDE OLARINDE, my partner in ministry serving the Anointed One, Jesus Christ. I’d learnt from her and also worked hand in hand with her serving Jesus Christ. She risked her own life, endured the pain and suffering to be a good example to all and to save many. I’m so thankful to God for her life, and not just I, but all the congregations and the world at large. She is well respected by all for her life and deeds.

    A young lady born in a Muslim family but found Christ Jesus and ever since held on firmly to Him till her last breath. Even in agony and unbearable pain she never shift her gaze from Jesus Christ and the name Jesus never for once cease from her mouth. She lived life not just for herself but for the sake of Christ Jesus and the benefit of others around her.

    Kehinde Olarinde bears the distinctive mark of being outstanding and well-known as a lover, follower and apostle of Christ Jesus. One who is well rooted in Christ Jesus and her faith is only in Him.
    A tried-and-true veteran in following Christ. A good woman whom Christ approves like God approves Job.

    Kenny lives on forever in the Lord! Because she has diligently served the Lord, she loved and was faithful in her ministry or service for the Lord. And she is specially chosen by the Lord.

    This was written from the last chapter of the book of Romans (Romans 16:1-16) to describe her which is very true of who she was. But beyond just writing about her, her life and legacy has now become an example and model for us to follow, live and become just as Christ Jesus is to us and also said that “greater things shall we do”. We have to live like this and beyond!!!

  23. Kehinde, It is so unbelievable that you will be referred to in the past. I’m yet to accept the fact that you have gone to your maker.

    Despite your health challenges your attitude to work was great. I will continually recall those sweet moments we shared. There were times we quarrelled but you had your ways of pacifying me.

    I won’t forget our trips back home after office hours. Thanks for those jolly rides.

    Words are inadequate to describe who you were and what you meant to me. You have left a vacuum no one can fill in my life.

    Good night Kehinde, until we meet on the Resurrection morning. Aka my office sister.

  24. I actually hadn’t known Miss Kenny long enough to write a touching tribute, but within this few months, i knew her to be Friendly and easy to relate with. I remember when i took delivery of her barbecue machine, testing it out for her, I could she how much she had looked forward to it’s delivery. She absolutely loves new innovations. I wish there was more time, God knows best. Hope we meet again to part no more. Rest on Ms. Kenny.

  25. I can’t believe that you are gone kehinde!. I can’t believe that we will not see you again on this side. I will forever remember your positive energy, your strong faith in God, never giving up spirit, your selfless service and your encouraging smiles. I know we have lost a gem but heaven is a star brighter. I believe you are in a better place. Live on Kenny!

  26. Hmmmmmm, Sister Kenny. I don’t see this as death, you only slipped into the other room where there’s no pain or death. Continue to rest in the bosom of our Lord.

  27. Time they say heals the wounds that we suffer in this long journey of life on earth. True! But time cannot erase from our minds the legacy of memories a loved person leaves in our minds, especially if those memories are something we cherish and value.
    She had such positive, affectionate influence on me.
    I was always and still am proud and privileged to be Kenny’s friend.
    I remember when I gave birth to twins, she called me on phone and said “you finally became our mother” and a full smile appeared on my face.
    I still find it hard till now to believe she’s gone. May her gentle soul rest in peace.😪❤️

  28. You touched so many lives ,I am grateful I had the chance to know you ,so many advice from you sis Kenny went I was among the exco in zero gravity ,so many gift from you ,thank you so much sis kenny we miss you so much rest well sis Kenny

  29. Oh death ! Oh death! Where is thy stings ? Words failed me and am actually lost of words to write. It took me a whole day to recover from the news of Kenny’s death because I never saw it coming. I saw Kenny before I left the country for vacation and we chatted as usual, coming back to hear of her death was a big loss and blow for me in particular. That last Sunday I saw her in church is still very fresh in my memory as I could remember the smile on her face. I meet kenny through my friend Taiwo her twin sister and when I meet her, I saw another version of Taiwo. She was peaceful, loving, smart, calm, intelligent , sound ,cheerful and above all God fearing lady. Both Taiwo and Kenny have this captivating love for God which happens to be a very stricking thing about them. Always there for God. Most times we all ride home together in the same car after church, interacting about different life issues, work etc. Honestly they are both loving and cool personalities.
    Kenny your death was one of those that shocked me at this time but I take solace in Christ Jesus that we will meet on the resurrection morning. You were too sweet and your encouragement to push the things of the Lord cannot be forgotten.
    Rest in peace dear and you will surely be missed . Adieu Kenny, we heart you big and will celebrate your life as Pastor Funmi said, we will not mourn you because your salvation is guaranteed.

    To Taiwo my dear friend be courageous because your twin lived a good life and you have me/ us always. We can’t question God because his thoughts for us are always for good.


  30. Good Night Kehinde.
    It’s just a painful exit that you have to go back to your maker very soon. It was so sad when I heard about the news because you are a gentle and mindful person,back then at high school days we were in the same class at MGHS. And you even showed up at my wedding we all rejoice together had fun and don’t know that is going to be the last time I will see you. I know our redeemer liveth God will keep Taiwo sand your entire family for us. Sleep on my good friend till we meet and depart no more amem. Abimbola sofola

  31. Kehinde olarinde;hmmmmm,my dear friend,the news of your demise is still a shock to me even if the last time we saw was on your mom’s 80th birthday. you looked dazzling and were a superwoman with a kind heart.May your wonderful soul continue to rest ln peace,I love you even in your death…sleep on dear friend

  32. A loss to the earth is heaven’s gain. Kenny continue to rest in the bosom of your saviour, where there is no pain or sorrow.

  33. The news of your demise hit me really hard. I knew you were going through a phase but didn’t know the magnitude because you were always cheerful. I wasn’t so close to you but we connected well each time. I’m glad I met you this side of heaven. I know you fought a good fight and have gone ahead to your eternal rest. We will all sure miss you. May God comfort your twin sister and your entire family in Jesus name.
    Rest on Sis!

  34. Dear Kenny,

    It was a pleasure and privilege to have met with you on this side of heaven.

    Your humbly disposition and heart of service is one that I will never forget. Anytime I converse with you, it leaves me refreshed.

    What a faith! What a strong faith you exhibited in the face of much pain and adversity.

    I can say of you, you have fought a good fight, you have finished your race, you truly are crones in glory. You are now part of the crowd of witnesses.

    You’ve seen your King now and have entered into rest.

    I have one more reason to make heaven.

    Thank you Kenny! You are a saint indeed. See you later!

  35. Sister Kenny, despite your pain, you always had a sweet smile, always giving, ever cheerful. It’s sad that we have to bid you goodbye but our hearts are glad that you are in a better place free from pain. Sleep well beloved.

  36. I didn’t know Kenny that much not until i had a marriage class with her twin sister Taiwo, that’s when i became familiar with her, very cool and quite human, always going slow and steady, what a lost, it’s very shocking to me to hear about your death, words can describe how i feel to hear of your death. I know you are in heaven, may your soul rest in peace dear.

  37. I am glad I had a relationship with you even though it wasn’t a deep one but I can testify to your love for God and for people. You always had a smile and your words were spoken softly, no one knew you were going through tough times. I can conclude that your relationship with the Holy Ghost helped you put it all together, keeping you strong, which is a great lesson we must all learn. Hmm. What more can I say… on in the bosom of our Lord

  38. Sis Kenny, you came, you truly lived and you conquered!!!! Valiant soldier, you served till the end. Your transition caused us pain
    but it’s a gain for our Father because the devil lost you. Continue to rest with Abba, your lover God who you spent your whole life serving. Until we meet again, Rest on beloved!!!!

  39. Sister Kenny stood out and meant a great deal to me and many Capstone Church members, so it has taken me long to bring myself to write this.

    All I can say to her posthumously is thank you. Thank you for your humility, honesty and openness. Thank you for leading an exemplary life. Thank you for keeping hope alive even till the very end. Thank you for our conversations and prayer sessions. Thank you for being a true sis and for always being yourself.

    I’ll miss you, me and many others, but I’m sure I speak for all when I say you’re forever in our hearts and you’ve left a legacy that won’t be tarnished.

    Love you sis,
    Rest well.

  40. Sigh… Oh Sister Kenny! My sister from another mother, kind, friendly, ever smiling,loving and caring at all times. The little encounter I had with her was in 2018, when I walked up to her, admired her and then we had a little discussion about getting a job! At same spot, she was willing to help out and go extra mile for me, asked me to forward my CV to her email and even linked me with an HR friend, she kept checking up, so we can reach a goal. That act of kindness alone gave me hope and joy. Truly, she doesn’t look like what she has been through, she’s a cheerful being, and a strong woman. Heaven has gained a saint indeed, you will be greatly missed my dear sister Kenny from another Mother. May the Lord strengthen your twin, your family and we all to bear this HUGE loss. Amen. Rest on SIS. Kenny.

  41. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh.

    Father Lord, your will be done on Earth and in Heaven.

    May Kenny rest in peace and at your right side.

    Give her twin the fortitude to bear the loss and strengthen her family, Amen.

  42. I met Taiwo first outside capstone and then she came visiting capstone with my brother, and then Kehinde came later. I remembered I got confused then asking who was Taiwo / Kehinde. Kehinde very easy going person who loves the service of God as she got involved in church activity not long after joining church. And even while she was going through, she never gave up on Trusting God, she was so full of smile and joy while she kept on serving God. I thank God for the life she lived on earth and I pray for strength for Taiwo and the rest of the family.

  43. Dear Kenny, I will miss you. I can’t believe the last time I saw you would be my last. I will miss your follow up calls and prayers. I knew you for a short period but it was very impactful. I know you are resting with God. We will meet again. I have really been holding myself not to cry. Rest in God’s bossom Kenny

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