To love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess is defined as worship, it leaves me with one question – how unquestionable and uncritical is your love for God? The core purpose of man’s creation was for worship, “God inhabits in the praise of His people”. Our existence automatically relinquished the role a fallen angel to us (Man) which he (Satan) took for granted.

How then do you approach God’s throne? How do you enter into His court? With a lot of grumblings, whining, an endless list of requests and desires in your hearts and some in your hands is how you enter into His presence. And when there’s no manifestation or response to your tantrums you assume or presume God to be sleeping or is not listening. Truth be told you actually did rock Him to bed with all your life’s issues.

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name” Psalm 100:4. One of my mentors in acting once said “at the door of the theatre you undress all your problems and walk into stage” this was sole to ensure that nothing comes between you and the delivery of a brilliant performance no matter the bad news received.

How much more approaching the gate of your Maker, your King, and Father and you’re already wailing from miles away, you forget you’re an heir to His kingdom. Right from the street of His gates be thankful and as you step into His court where His presence awaits you, you enter with praise blessing His name and still being thankful.

Stormie Omartian said, “Praise is the prayer that changes everything, the more we worship God the more we become like Him”.  If you truly understand who God is your praise will be unending. Never be quick to table your worries and needs, let your default mode to all your challenges be of worship and praise in the situation.

Whatever battle life throws at you, and you feel all hope is lost remember you have a warship in worship. Stir it up, activate it and let God take over in his infinite wisdom beyond human comprehension, your victory testimony will be in awe of every hearer. Joshua and the people of Isreal did testify to the heavenly nuclear missile that crumbled the walls of Jericho. Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah also testified as to the enemies from Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir destroyed each other while they praised God and they ended up having more spoils than they could carry. After the victory comes to the blessings.

When you worship, it’s a way of expressing your utter dependence on God and submission to Him. For your greatest blessings comes when you take the focus off yourself and put it entirely on God in worship and praise.

Once you get into that atmosphere all that is left for you to do is “stand still and look”, He will definitely show up. As your enemies oil their guns and sharpen their arrows while chanting their battle song, you also engage the Word of God with praise and worship then you can grab a soda and a bowl of popcorn. What a blockbuster it always is when the mighty fall?

It is only when you seek the face of God in worship that you will find your true purpose in life and begin to walk in the realization of that purpose. Remember that God never makes mistakes. So when next you’re faced with a storm and the enemies have hurled their arrows at you, get into worship so that God’s warship will come to your rescue. Remember it’s loving God unquestioningly and uncritically, whatever it is, He knows even before you ask. Let your worship begin.

3 Replies to “The Warship In Worship”

  1. I totally agree, the place of worship provides sustainance for me in the midst of the storm. It brings peace even in my imperfect life and reminds me that i am solely dependent on God.

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