Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you able to stand before the cross and behold His face in a place of exchange for the curse I ought to have carried myself – to the gallow as I chose not to follow in His ways
O! Were you there when He was wrongly accused, beaten and spat on for what He knew not of?
The supreme judge of the earth was judged and sentenced to hang on a tree that I may be free
I can only imagine what my eyes could see, how He endured the thorns of crown that I may receive the crown of life

He paid the debt He did not owe, I owed the debt I couldn’t pay, I was so broke not a shekel to my name to save me from the shame of my filth
Little did I know that it was more than gold that was the price for my sin
When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, all the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to the Blood
What a love! What a love! It was nothing but His blood that could wash away my sin and make me clean
Now behold the Lamb, slain to take away my pain and break the chain that held me bound

O! The Blood, I see the Blood and in surrender I lay it all down at the foot of the Cross
For I will trade in these ashes for beauty and wear forgiveness like a crown
Greater love has no man than this, that he laid down his life for his friends but He is not just a man, He is God, He is king. He laid His life down, crowned in thorns for the world giving us a U-turn back to the Father
So I was in grief, that He was gone and gone for good, I did not what to do, nor where to turn

I just wished not knowing what to wish for, a chance to see Him again, and make it right. That these dark clouds will give way for a new light
I exchanged faith for fate and went back to the tomb hoping that the scriptures would be a fallacy. That I will awake from this fantasy of the expectation on the third day
O! I trembled, my entire being shivered as I was asked ‘why are you looking for the living among the dead?’

See the place where the Lord laid, the tomb is empty. Up from the dead, He arose victorious from the dark domain
O! Death where is thy sting? O! Grave where is thy victory? He is risen and He’s changed my story
Christ the Lord is risen today, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Death could not hold Him down
He is The Risen King, let us sing and rejoice, He is our Savior, the mover of mountains, mighty to save
The author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave. Shine your light let the whole world see the Glory of The Risen King


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