Living the Good Life

Oh, what glorious shouts of Hallelujah, Hosanna in the highest resounded from the heavens as the channels of your spirit opened up and the hosts of angels alongside the 24 elders in a standing ovation cheered you on as you breast the tape of this earthly race and ascended into the best realm there is, the Good Place. Kenny! It’s been tough and rough but diamonds ain’t close to the stuff you were made of.

In all Things, I Give Thanks to God Almighty

Ah! Life Oh Life! You’ve done this one but unfortunately for you, Kenny had the last and better laugh as she is being welcomed home as a valiant soldier – the Deborah and Ruth Combo personified. What a journey, my sister. I don’t want to dwell on the years of knowing you but I look back and take a
review and I close my mouth and swallow spit. Thank you, God, for still keeping amongst us the most real beings that are dead to self and all for others giving their blood till the very end.

I’m happy that you’ve gone home to rest my dear sister yet sad that we ain’t gonna share rides anymore, have those mature conversations we used to have. Who’s gonna fit into this gaping vacuum that you’ve left, I’m still searching, Kenny, I’m still searching. Kenny, we didn’t get to try amala Skye at Bodija which I rooted for, though Thuraya Bukka was a hit back-to-back. My first paid spoken word performance at the Youth Ministry of Methodist Church Yaba, You and Taiwo graced the occasion, me being able to look into the crowd and see familiar faces. My brother’s wedding last year Easter Monday; I keep playing back the video of you grooving to the live band; who could ever believe cancer was within you, no one.

Some would say ‘and she was single’, I just laugh at their ignorance; little do they know about the Bridegroom – Our Lord Jesus Christ. Who daily woos the church his bride, which you were a part of, fully devoted doing His bidding, daily as you lived. “For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself; I promised you as a pure bride to one husband—Christ” the words of Apostle Paul. 2nd Cor. 11:2

A strong woman of God, against all odds you held on to your faith in Christ that whoever thinks they’ve got a problem, once they hear your story they mellow. In all of these, were you strong, enduring and full of life even me as a man, I know my tipping point but you had none. And when you were unable to drive you’ll still smile and make it known as if you weren’t in any pain – “Brother, e be like na you go carry reach house today” were your words and who was I to ever say No to you.

Our trip UCH Ibadan, to see the consultant will linger forever in my mind with how you composed yourself as we waited even encouraging those who had less to worry about. To see you come out from the consultation room with a smile on your face. You had with you the precious remedy against the troubled heart syndrome, which was your Faith. Then you said Enoh, it is well and you gave me the test results and explained what the doctor had said. “I don’t know how you can stand nor even have the strength to walk about unaided; that woman over there has a similar result and has been in a wheelchair for over 3 months”, said the doctor. The doctor didn’t even know you drove yourself from Idi-araba to the pickup point where I took over the driving from and we did it for 2 days back-to-back. This was between the 16th and 17th of October 2018, Kenny, you pulled through 15 months extra with us to cherish… hmm… the miracles that we chose to overlook. Lord, I do not take it for granted at all, thank you, Lord.

Even the best of Christians have many bitter cups to drink between grace and glory. Even the holiest saints find the world a valley of tears. But through it all, Kenny, you didn’t just wear the best of smiles, you always dressed to party and I can’t count the countless times’ admirers would just playfully come famzing you. Oh! You were indeed a superwoman unparalleled, Christ lover, friend to all, prayer warrior, selfless giver, and a strong fighter, so many adjectives to qualify you, my dear sister. I remembered when you came back from Mexico still on this ailment you made it look like you were on a vacation. And the point when the treatment caused swells on your fingers, you came to church and for all who saw you and asked you told them it was the whitlow. Ah! Kenny, God customized you, no be small; what a rare species of a human being were you to this undeserving world.

2 Timothy 4:6-8, “As for Kenny, your life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near and it came. You have fought the good fight, You have finished the race, and You have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits You—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give You on the day of His return. And the prize is not just for You but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing”. Dr. Tony Evans lost his wife to a gallbladder cancer on the 30th of December 2019, three days after Kenny passed. He quoted the 2 Timothy 4:6-8, as he preached the tribute sermon tagged ‘how to live well so you can die well’ and these are some take-home points for you all.

First, fight the good fight; “I hope you know all fights aren’t worth fighting,” Church members fight over seats, Folks fight over skin color, Cultures fight, genders fight, those are not good fights. Secondly, finish the race; he said: “It’s good to know when your time is up, that you’re finished.” Don’t waste your life by not following God, serving Him, and building his kingdom. Thirdly, keep the faith; do not let trials and suffering deter you from following Jesus. “I don’t care how bad things get; you don’t walk out on Jesus. You keep the faith. You stay with the Lord” said Dr. Tony Evans and I say that to you too because Kenny did all three and finished graciously strong. Without titles, without the spotlight, Kenny shined so brightly and she was all about the Father’s business – the ‘Thy Kingdom come’. Having found the love of Christ, her love for Him and those around her knew no bounds.

My dear brothers and sisters, I just have one question for you; how have you lived your life in preparation for death that will earn you an encore of an ovation by the Heavens and the Earth? “Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.” Eccl. 12:1 I am proud to be acquainted and affiliated with Kehinde Oluwatosin Olarinde; a Superwoman of our time, a decorated soldier in God’s army, a fearless voyager through life’s adversities. Owo meeji fun eeyan kan.

Kenny, ore mi, lilo lo yii, a mø pade lorun rere laipe lai jina. Sun re o

Owo meeji fun eeyan kan: “two hands in the air for this great individual”
Kenny, ore mi, lilo lo yii, a mø pade lorun rere laipe lai jina. Sun re o: “Kenny, my dear friend, this is you going away but we shall me in Heaven very soon. Rest well”.
Brother, e be like na you go carry reach house today: “Brother, seems you’ll be the one to drive me home today”

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