In a world enveloped by the belief that shedding tears is a form of weakness
When in the true sense, it’s the most genuine form of meekness
Both the verb and the noun of ‘cry’ are attributes God embedded in man
That’s why the first sign from the newborn baby is that of a loud cry
The same way we take in food, and our digestive system extracts nutrients
While getting rid of the unwanted portions so that our life has lengths

A cry is another form of waste product that needs not be stored up in the body
Or you’ll end up with people who are just forms of nobody
As they can’t be their true self, being vulnerable, to tell the truth
To express where it hurts, where it bleeds and where it eases
Having the boldness to release and not feel like sissies
Why should men cry? Why? I ask myself

But Jesus wept; He wept over Jerusalem, not choosing to yield to the good news He brought
At the tomb of Lazarus, He wept. Was it in empathy or at the people’s unbelief? We know not
He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears
So if Jesus wept, if the record has it that He wept at three instances
Why not men? Why spit on his face for trying to express the unsaid
That’s has been loaded and revolving night and day in his head

All the instances of Jesus’s weeping are stages of life we humans go through regularly
On the grief of a loved one, He wept; in trying to convince people of His purpose, He wept
In seeking help and strength from the Father to carry on through His earthly mission, He wept
I’m sure these scenarios sound familiar to what you may have experienced
We can’t deny that we can’t, of our strength, get the noise in our heads silenced
And crying is pivotal to helping us reach a place of solace

If all humans bleed when cut, then all humans can cry when drained of life
All, for emphasis and not the putrid version of the weaker vessel stereotype
No gender exclusively owns the right to cry; it is just a fallacious hype
Jesus showed a wide range of emotions, including compassion, grief, and even frustration
We must never be scared to express our actual feelings since He knows and cares
He has also gone through them. You do not need to hide anything, not even your fears

You will face hardships, temptations, and heart-wrenching disappointments while still in the flesh
We must remember Jesus underwent a similar process for our salvation, yet he was obedient
Often, we believe our prayers aren’t being answered, but that shouldn’t stop you
Ensure you’re praying with reverence and submission
Be willing and obedient to do your part and leave the rest to Abba, your source and sustainer
And while you’re watching and waiting, if you need to cry, cry


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