See amidst the winter’s snow born for us on earth below
See the Lamb of God appear, promised from eternal year
What profound joy is it to be born in the filth of a manger?
What news was it that needed a star in yonder?
For lowly shepherds to know that a King is born

How could it not have annoyed Herod to behold that neither his beauties nor royalties
Was with child of anew and true king
To behold what the prophets said come to past
Aha! He was indeed angry and great were the deeds that accompanied his rage
Like a lion out of its cage
All for the Lamb of God , numerous innocent lambs were slain
That His glory might be revealed

And if it wasn’t for the wireless transmission by the angels to the wise men and to Joseph to flee
For out of Egypt, I called my Son
Hmm, it was indeed a glorious birth
A birth that faced death and said it is finished for our sake
A birth that left Joseph saying it wasn’t me, for he had not paid the bride price
Little did he know that the baby Jesus was the ultimate bride price

How could it have been explained that a virgin could conceive flawlessly, I wonder!
And yet no stone was thrown at her for being promiscuous, I ponder!
It was all part of the divinity of His glorious birth
I crave to want to accept this truth, there is no god like our God
Even unborn John the baptist leaped for joy acknowledging the presence of the Master

It was made known that the government will try to oppress Him
Yet gave Him names that suppressed them all
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace
Ahan! He is really a jealous God, with the choice of phrase like ‘Only Begotten’
And I mean ‘Only Begotten’, seriously, that is just the height
That is just the high point of your choice for an eternal visa to the good life
And I beseech you my brethren please choose life eternal

O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold Him, born the king of angels
O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore, He is Christ, Christ our Lord
It’s all about Christmas, it’s all about Jesus
It’s all about His Love


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