Day by day, dear Lord, three things I pray, to see thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day. Those nursery rhymes are engraved in my head like yesterday.

Day by day, I pray that the nation will be restored to the glory of the dollar against the naira – one is one. As wishful as it seems, it’s not impossible.

I long to see government policies implemented without unneeded bureaucracy eating the system beyond repair. Where meritocracy is honoured over nepotism.

Day by day, I pray and hope the lives of Nigerians will matter more than cattle for suya and kilishi.

Where this love-lost will not see its fellow man as a means of livelihood by kidnapping or ritualizing them

Human Capital esteemed as the world’s most treasured resource is what is been used to play tumbo-tumbo, such mumbo-jumbo.

Day by day, I pray that the travel time from Lagos Island to the mainland will not still be competing with Lagos to Ibadan. And our containers will be strapped on firmly with sane drivers, not under the influence of erujeje

That the Nigerian Police will one day greet you like the British police and not get shot for saying ‘do you know who I am?’ Where peaceful protests will not end one at the mortuary

Day by day, I pray that the legal system will find more courage to be the Whip of the nation and expunge the unruly, locked up and keys are thrown into the sea. Res Ipsa Loquitor

Day by day, this cancer called corruption that has eaten deep into our system will not be fortified. As it will be expunged with a combo of radiation, chemo, and surgical procedures. 

Day by day, I hope reciting our national anthem will matter more than “eyin omo woobey eh!” And marlians will try and go to school in as much as the quality of education never balance

For the compatriots are asleep, nobody is serving their father’s land, they’re all serving their selfish tables with buffets they cannot finish.

Day by day, I hope the opium religion will make us leave God’s battle for Him and fight for our rights against those usurping the land’s resources. Leaving behind fanatical pursuits of self-centred men cornering the gullible to follow on like lost sheep.

Day by day, I hope that the roaring chant of UP NEPA will cease and my landlady’s son will not bypass his entire power supply even with living in a rent-free apartment.

And my neighbour will be considerate enough to turn off his cassava grating machine of a thing called a generator so that I may have some peaceful sleep. 

Day by day, I hope the giveaway beneficiary will not be written as someone’s source of livelihood and the ones giving will be humble enough to do it with discretion.

If you never learned your lessons from voting the unfit into power, COVID-19 did well to make you know you don’t matter in the scheme of things. In the end, aje kun iya ni o je.

Remember, this is not land with an old people’s home system, better cast the vote right than tweet it. Else this failing system will degenerate further into the abyss.

Day by day, I long to see the milk and honey flow in the land as against these YoYo Bitters being forced down our throats. That those with the means to empower will allow it to flow down to the most deserving and needy than constrict for theirs and theirs only.

Day by day, I hope and pray that in all this happenstance, this life go balance

That the light of love, that knows no status, will be all-embracing and selfless, Day by day, I pray!.

10 Replies to “For the Nation – We Pray”

  1. I love every bit of this.
    I’m sharing this.

    God bless you EnowithdH and I pray your H will never become L (lost)

    -Liam Diamond

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