If the thoughts towards me were of good and not evil
And he knew me even before I was conceived
Why then am I yet to receive the fruits of my destiny?
Was it just a myth to believe in the one I couldn’t see?
Or there was more to it than just a simple believe?
I crave to want to accept this truth that He is who they say He is, the “I Am!”
But with these trials and tests, leaving me with more tests and no money’ testimonies I mean to say
Amidst the pressures of peers and unequal eating deep in me to the point of ruthless compromise
Of pleasures, desires, and lust that got me totally lost, never to be found
As I drowned deep in the shame and filth of my misery,

Giving the devil his long-awaited grin proclaiming “I got this one!!!”
How did I fall this much? How did I let in so quickly? Was I that weak?
With purpose unfulfilled, destiny unattained dreams unrealized
It struck me! Yes it struck me, that when the devil tries to sell you fear in whatever form
Don’t buy it! Turn the other way, say No and flee
For there’s nothing in the world that should win your gaze as being a man of prayer
As nothing on earth is worth going to hell for;
Why not kill pride, arrogance, self-advertisement, lust, and all the vices of the devil
Cos none of these will ever make you great… hmm… talk of being great
How Christ washed the feet of His disciples …. Being a servant of all’
Now I knew I had to die! Yes! Die and be born anew, For if you must live you must die
To rise you must fall and so to get you must give, then I pondered on,
How He gave His ‘PRECIOUS’, Only Begotten” and how His PRECIOUS bled on the Cross
Just for me… hmm I can’t seem to contain this outburst of tears of joy of salvation and redemption
I owe Him all, permit me to speak to My Father in the Tongues of the Heavenly
As now the devil needs to be deafened to this praise I have to extol to Him
The Agbanilagbatan, the Rose of Sharon, the Prince of Peace, the Andi kongnkan, Ebubedike,
The Mighty in battle, The One who is and is to come, Great is He above and amongst all
I ask of you all today, what have you done for HIM lately?
That when I stand before God at the end of my life,
I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say
Father Lord, I used everything you gave me, everything… for your Glory


This was where the journey of my spoken word life began. July 19th 2015 at  The Capstone Church during the first service.

Translations: Agbanilagbatan – The One who save completely

Ebubedike – Glorious Warrior

Andi Kongnkan – The Greatest of All

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