Image from GodTube

Day by day, dear Lord, three things I pray
To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly, day by day
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
How do I explain this incessant stagnation and bloodbath?
When I have the greatest light of all within me, why then do I go astray?
Left with the ideology of “no be today the suffer bin start, e don tey”
Blind like the three blind mice, walking in the shadows of my doubt
Just like one who has been left out from North to South
East to West, I still can’t seem to find my place of rest
It’s all coming back to me like a bouncing castle with kids bouncing off and landing with smiles
I seem to be bouncing and landing on hard rocks, life’s hard knocks
Which I get each time I push further with my life’s goals
Nothing is being contained here, so many leaks and so many holes
Could it be that I have not been seeking Him as I ought to?
Or am I just following Him because those around me do?

Day by day, it keeps getting harder, from brick wall to reinforced concrete
I struck one, two, three and still counting in hundreds but there was no bulls-eye hit
Life has given me more than ninety-nine problems
Misery, Mediocrity, and Melancholy (MMM), my current emblems
Life holds so much unrest, all that I give to it seem to be less
And no one seems to be concerned about my own stress
Not even been pitied, totally ignored as one that holds no relevance
To say the least, that I could someday or somehow even in a trance
See myself advance from this present circumstance
For I just couldn’t keep up with this dirge from the piper’s flute
What an elegy, even in the wake of my being when it should be my tribute

Day by day Lord, I soak myself in your Word to free myself from this discord
I remind myself of the joy of your encouraging words, which will be my reward
Being able to pursue the things which Christ presides over
I do not shuffle along, my eyes are on the ground focused on the things in front of me
Looking up and being fully alert to the happenings around my KING
Seeing things from His perspective, not concerned if the world sees me
“Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ” I am being content with uncertainty
How else can I be aligned with such level of focus and still gain clarity?
Especially in a world laden with fleshy desires and vanity
“For when He shows up again on this earth, I will gloriously show up too”
Weeping may endure for the night but in the morning, I shall be filled with joy
I am blessed both in coming and going, blessed in the city and in the land
With me knowing that I should be content in obscurity, whatever life throws my way
I will always seek You more, follow You the more and love You more dearly, day by day


Translation: “no be today the suffer bin start, e don tey” (Pidgin English) – “the suffering didn’t start today, it’s been long coming”

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