It bleeds my heart that I sat for about two hours watching the façade of a thing called vice president debate. In such disheartening climate
Where sugar-coating of the bitter pill of misery and woes faced by the nation was what the debaters had to share. It’s just unfair
My entire summation, however, shows we are not yet close to the near-solution of what’s befallen us. Now the thing don dey rush us
When even small policies cannot be properly implemented or adhered to. When the government is less concerned about human lives but care more for cattle lives
Human Capital, that’s held in high esteem as the world’s most treasured resource, is what is been used to play tumbo-tumbo. Such an annoying mumbo-jumbo

Now Expect Worrying Status. You can’t seem to run the course of the day without some bad news to even more disheartening sights. Why won’t there be increased migration flights?
I close my mouth and swallow spit. For this is getting unbearable, why the 1% an insignificant quota are holding the lot to ransom. It’s so not handsome
Where are our voices? What are we using them for? Early diagnosis, they say saves one a great deal. We’re not looking like one who needs to be healed
This cancer called corruption has eaten deep down the foundation of our system. It’s so meaningless reciting the thing called our anthem
For the compatriots are all asleep, nobody is serving the father’s land, they’re all serving their selfish tables with buffets they cannot finish. It just causes me more anguish

Stuck in a traffic on a 15 minutes journey that ended up being a 2 hours trip. Only to behold the sight of a truck container fallen on two vehicles. I had to weep
Weep, first for the lost souls who never knew how impromptu their countdown was, weep for the families left behind to mourn at this yuletide hour. Hmm, the chicken has gone sour
Were there no containers 30 years ago? Why now is this mishap incessant? Initially, they fell off from bridges upon the souls of men, a moving lion’s den
Now they are falling off from levelled ground upon the souls of humanity again. Shall we continue like this? Greatest Nigerian Citizens! ‘In my aluta voice’

This lack of care and concern for human lives by the government and the capitalists must stop. Why can’t we have the love for a fellow man?
Where is this outright lack of empathy coming from? To still experience in today’s world roadblocks for a party
These and many more are the problems that we have failed to see as an issue. Our negligence and ignorance will now make us wail beyond the soaking of a tissue
When are you going to truly serve your generation rather than plunder it? It’s all going to come back to you someday, somehow, continue to squander it

To the Government, do the right thing, enough is enough. If every policy, rule, and regulation is not borne out of the need to protect the common man, you can just cease to exist, to say the least
Fix our roads with durable and quality materials, not the scam you do during an election campaign to deceive the gullible and vain
And you the Regulatory authorities, you all need to sit-up and own this responsibility of care. Why should a container leave the port without complete strap-down equipment to prevent a fall?
Seize the damn goods, arrest the defaulting company’s driver, and fine them more money than the good’s worth, check the sanity and stability of the drivers
Restrict their movement to certain hours of the day and in some cases, an outright ban from some sensitive and overly populated areas
Impound and crush to scrap metal obsolete and poisonous fume emitting trucks off the road, let’s see if the capitalists will not sit-up and do the right thing

Also, to you, the capitalists, have the fear of God if you don’t fear man. What really are your Corporate Social Responsibilities when you employ the unfit to drive your fleet?
Why engage false schemes that care less for the public and more for your improved bottom-line? Check and test your drivers regularly for alcohol and other illegal stimulants consumption, sack the incorrigible
Invest in Health Safety and Environment, strap-down your containers, and disengage the use of faulty and irreparable trucks
Have a heart for god’s sake and relieve us of this heartache and headache. There’s no assurance that it wasn’t you as the victim today that you’re covered tomorrow
We all ply this road you have chosen to make unsafe with your containers and tankers. Who’s next? Could be Me or You but it can be avoided to the barest minimum once you do the right thing

Above all, to you my country people, life is once lived and that’s all. Drive safe, it’s only two eyes in the front with three mirrors to help you avoid and escape errors
Eyes on the road, 200% attention and concentration within the few hours or minutes of the trip, so you don’t end up leaving many with causes to weep
That phone call can wait, that text reply can wait, and if it can’t wait, park off the road and do the needful, I cannot overemphasize it being so helpful
Drive at the required speed limit before you end up in the ground beneath. Life is literally short to keep making more mistakes and no positive change in sight
These things that you are not taking with care and seriousness to contain, may soon contain you


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