
Who am I? That you are mindful of even as much as I have been unworthy of your grace
Who am I? That you think of even when the stench of my filth can almost raise the dead
Who am I that you hold in your gaze as the apple of your eyes
And I keep doing the things that make me sink even deeper day by day, who am I?
That you love beyond measure, that you hold above all pressure
That you care for even beyond my birth mother, who am I?
The things you do, the things you’ve done, the things you will do are immeasurable and so pleasurable

Your love alone is unending and ever undying
These and much more, are things you do that I cannot but enlist with sheets even beyond the size of an encyclopedia and neither can Google nor Wikipedia hold the volume all the things that you have done
Who am I? I ask myself, to be counted worthy of the living day after day, time after time,
That you see me worthy enough to pick up my cross of my sins and disgrace
And up you went on it dripping your blood showing your love
Beyond what I can phantom, for even to the minute sin in me you took it away and made me clean, who am I?

I live to see each day you grant me as a gift for I was saved by your grace
And when I take up life’s race at a pace as if I know the phase I am about to cross
You alone are the one who makes me first place
Even when I am late, in your timeless grace and splendor you restore all the years the cankerworm had eaten leaving the devil beaten
My years of anguish and regrets all turned around like the Job story, I give you all the glory
Worthy are you, above the earth, beneath the earth and upon the earth, worthy are you, Lord
The things you do makes it crystal clear that I have a father who is the King of kings, a king who in his majestic demeanor makes every major challenge of mine become minor

My father who gives me a blank check that I take to the bank and I overdraw daily the wealth of my father
I misuse and miss-do his bidding, the prodigal son in me after wasteful spending
In the shame and regrets of my decision, I crawl back home wishing to be taken in as a slave
But in his warm embrace, he receives me and reminds me that his love and wealth are endless
And my inheritance from the first instance was tied to my son-ship

Where I thought I had drunk it to the very last drop, the well of my salvation never ran dry, who am I?
I do not know how to put it nor how to say it but you have been awesome,
Awesome to the point that I do not see the things that you have done as some but you’ve done it all
Morning by morning new mercies I see all that I ever needed your hands keep providing
For at the point when it seems I do not know what next to do you show yourself
Beyond comprehension, I cannot but mention that it is a thing of Iyanu, my mouth wide open aaah!

In my local dialect, my birth father would say “it is a thing of nkpor nkpaidem” that is a thing of great astonishment
I live to tell the world your glory, I live to tell the world my story
As much as I ain’t good enough he still loves me
In as much as I ain’t worthy, I am a joint heir to his kingdom
Do you know who you are?


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