I quit, not because am a loser but because I have lost it trying to do it my way
I quit, I took to running alone and doing it all by myself but still achieving little
I quit, as I try to keep up on the tracks He tells me all I have to do is pick up my cross and follow Him
I did what I did feeling good and living the dream I made for myself

I quit, that moment He told me the plans I have for you are for good and not evil, to give you a hope and a future
Then He says, it’s not for him that willeth or runneth but the for I who shows mercy
I had all my daily meals of choice delicacies and wine at the beck and call of my stomach’s needs

I quit, when I heard I am the bread and fountain of life, eat and drink of me and never thirst nor hunger again
When life’s weight seemed unbearable and I was fast sinking

I quit, I heard cast all your cares upon the Lord, all other ground is sinking sand. Jesus the Rock!
I lived a life not worthy of redemption and salvation, full of filth and shame

I quit, as He told me though your sins be as red as crimson, dark as scarlet but white as wool will you be made
When life’s stumbling blocks was insurmountable

I quit, as I heard come unto me all ye who are heavily laden and I will give you rest
Looking at my life’s achievement and seeing the scorecard way below that of my peers

I quit, when a friend consoled me saying, in His time He will perfect all that concerns me
All things are working out for my good but seek ye first His Kingdom and righteousness
Every other thing will come through

Having lost my way and not knowing where next to turn
I quit just as I heard Him say I am the way, the truth, and the life, meeting with the Father is only through Me

My dear friends, I had to quit, for all the good news He brought my way, made me quit my struggles
Quit doing it my way that wasn’t working
Quit living to please this world that has an end
Quit being what I shouldn’t be
Quit desiring the things not planned for me by Him

That moment when I lose total control and I lift my hands in total surrender saying
Not my will but Jesus please take the wheel
I quit that He may rule, I quit so He can live through me
I quit being like one who has nothing when I have Jesus
And in Him I live and move and have my being – I quit!

Enoh D’Impeccable

That was Me live at the March edition of the IPoetry, in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

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